Breakfast with a view…


Omar had soccer pictures on Saturday morning over on Hickam, when he was done we had some time to kill before his game so we popped over to Wright Brothers for some breakfast. I LOVE eating here, it is priced really well ($3.25 for a kids plate and that includes a drink) the food is good and it comes out quick. Also the view is pretty great, right across the entrance to Pearl harbor. The outdoor seating is really beautiful although hard to come by, I was stalking tables waiting for someone to leave!

It’s a great spot to take pictures (which is why soccer pictures are done here I assume!) Lots of pretty trees and a lovely backdrop. I’ll have to bring them back in something other than soccer uniforms!pose


There is also a seawall right by the restaurant that allows some great fish watching, lots of FAT fish from all of the bread people feed them. I even saw some yellow tangs which is crazy because we haven’t seen them ONCE while

Anyways, get over to Wright Brothers, have some breakfast or lunch and enjoy the view and breeze!




Jinxing myself

So yesterday morning we had the ideal get ready for school morning. I mean perfect. The best one since school started. I don’t know how it happened or if we will every be able to repeat the performance!

I was actually pretty worried because our ‘schedule’ over the past two weeks has been laughable. It’s pretty much stay up as late as you want, sleep in as late as you want. We were a mess. I tried getting the kids to go to sleep earlyish on Tuesday but didn’t really have any luck. So last night I put Omar to bed a little early because I figured he would have trouble going to sleep, nope. Right to sleep by 8:30. Mckenna on the other hand could not fall asleep! I don’t know if it was a combination of excitement and lack of a set bedtime lately but she was awake until about 10. So I was extra worried. I did have them pick out clothes before going to bed because that is always a crazy last minute “I don’t have matching socks, where is my other croc?” disaster in the morning. 

So I’m getting some internet time in after the kids go to bed and see this crockpot oatmeal recipe on pinterest. I love love love my crockpot but I have always been a little nervous about cooking overnight with it. I know they are safe but I just always feel like I am going to burn my house down while I am sleeping. But apple cinnamon oatmeal ready and waiting in the morning just was too tempting to resist and I had all the ingredients on hand! Amazing!

So around 11 I am making oatmeal crossing my fingers that it is going to turn out okay and I hear the pitter pat of little feet on the stairs. Now Omar is up. Seriously? So I tell him to go back to bed I am going to bed myself in a minute. Well I go upstairs and the little bugger is in my bed. At this point I don’t care, just want to try and get some sleep myself before the alarm goes off (I had drugged myself with NyQuil and was just waiting for it to kick in. What? I needed to sleep!)

Come 3 or 4 in the morning little miss Mckenna feels the need to wake me up to tell me she can’t get back to sleep. Really? Pretty sure I mumble-yelled for her to go back to bed. These kids are killing me!

Then at 6:18 she is back in my room exclaiming that she just got ready in 3 minutes, isn’t that great and now she is going downstairs for breakfast. I tell her there is oatmeal but then get up myself so I can go see how it turned out. Omar hears us but snuggles in for a few more minutes.

Mckenna tells me its good, then proceeds to tell me she didn’t really care for it. Why does she do this?! If you don’t like it, it’s fine! I liked it, I would just make it with less water next time so it is a little thicker. I like to add a lot of milk but this was already pretty soupy so too much mil would have been a disaster. I pop upstairs to tell Omar I have oatmeal ready and he is awake. And cheerful. That NEVER happens. This boy is my grumpy teenager in the morning who is the WORST to wake up. So he gets up and eats a bowl of oatmeal (and actually likes it) and brushes his teeth with no prompting.

At this point I am kind of feeling like I am in the Twilight Zone. But hey, I am going to go with it! Lunches are packed, hair is styled and we are out the door a few minutes early.

Then, I actually managed to leave the house in workout clothes so I go to my community gym and actually exercise! What in the world! Ran a mile straight plus warm up and cool down it was almost a mile and a half. I was super proud of myself and am going to stick with it. There is no reason I can’t go to the gym that is 1/4 mile from my house and run for 15 minutes 3-5 times a week.

So yeah. Best morning ever. I even am working on cleaning out my house. I didn’t just clean and stick stuff in closets. I cleaned SO much stuff out. My garbage can was full tonight when we took it out. Filed, sorted, and have a massive stash of stuff that needs to go to Goodwill.

Now let’s see how this morning goes, I have to say I am kinda digging a two day school week!

First leis!

So my neighbor (and fellow ship wife) is from Hawaii and she and her mom were busily making leis for some function or another… Mckenna happened to be over there giving her a hand and got to come home with a couple of leis. We weren’t greeted with any at the airport (something that if we ever have anyone come visit us I will to do!) so this is the first time we got to wear a lei in Hawaii!

Omar’s interpretation:


Look mom! Flower hair!

My goodness I wish this kid could take a normal picture. Oh well they are still cute.

And of COURSE I had to torture my dog.

Right here he is thinking ‘wait until she releases me, I am going to eat this thing in 2 seconds.’ Which I didn’t let him do. I of course had to hang them up so they can dry. 

And so my collection starts. Just wait until Omar comes home, I am going to pile him up. The exchange even has leis with the mini bottles of booze. Love it!