10 Day You Challenge ~Eight Fears~

These are the worst! Doesn’t everyone have the same fears? Anyways, here goes:

8) Loosing my teeth, bizarre but I have this nightmare every once in a while and it freaks me out.

7) Spiders, without question. HATE them. So glad my four year old son will now kill them for me.

6) Driving off a bridge with my kids in the car.  I got in a pretty bad accident on a bridge when I was a kid. An 18-wheeler hit our little car and I thought we were going to fall off. The worst! Now I’m really paranoid about going off a bridge, its really insane. I think about how I will get the kids out of the car, my oldest can swim so now I don’t have to worry about trying to swim with two children, its so crazy that I really think about this!

5) Millipedes in my shoes. Happened once as a kid, now I have to shake my shoes out anytime they are left outside.

4)Losing my family photos. Really shouldn’t happen. *knock on wood* I have everything backed up and I am about to double back up by sticking it all in cloud storage.

3) Losing my family. Yuck can’t think about it.

2) That our orders to Hawaii will get cancelled.

1) That by they time I’ve really figured out this deal called adulthood, I am going to be heading into middle age!

10 Day You Challenge ~9 Loves~

This should be easy, I love a lot of things!

9) Food! Particularly steak. Its my favorite food and I could eat it every day.  I’m lucky because Spain has GREAT beef!

8) Baking in general with a heavy emphasis on pie. Homemade apple pie. One of the reasons I am looking forward to the holiday season, more pie!

7) Gardening. This is a new one and it is kind of a love/hate. I really enjoy doing it when I have the time and energy for it but it stresses me out when I have a weedy flowerbed and no time to deal with it.

6) Watching documentaries. My husband and I are both just a little obsessed.

5) My dog. As crazy as he makes me he is adorable and so much fun to play with. He’s great with the kids and LOVES to wrestle and play fetch.

4) Traveling. I love exploring, getting lost, eating new foods and walking around strange cities.  Living in Europe has given us so many opportunities to travel… In the past three years we have been to France, Germany, Italy, England, Tunisia, the Canary Islands, Gibralter,  as well as a Seville, Barcelona, Marbella, and many other Spanish cities.  My kids could care less, they would rather hang out at home!

3)  Shoes. I am a little crazy with the shoes. My problem is that I buy Saturday night shoes instead of Tuesday morning shoes. So I have a closet full of impractical strappy sandals.

2) Reading. This is one past time that no matter how busy I get I have to read.  It doesn’t matter if it cuts into my sleep, I have to read before I go to bed.

1) My insane family. I love them all so much and can’t imagine having them around.

10 Day You Challenge ~10 Secrets~

I’ve seen this around the internet for awhile and thought it would be fun to do…

So… 10 Secrets:

1)I LOVE cereal. If I had a choice I would eat it every day, especially super sugary cereal and especially at nighttime.  I can’t buy Fruity Pebbles for my kids because I can’t leave them alone.

2)I am NEVER on time. Ever. Its annoying and I hate this fact about myself but I can never get out of the house on time. I always underestimate either how much time I need to get myself (and usually the kids as well) to get ready or how much time its actually going to take to get there.

3) I have had a VERY wide variety of pets. Dogs, cats, chinchillas, snakes, chameleons, bearded dragons, freshwater and saltwater fish tanks, reef tanks, rabbits, and even a gopher that was dragged in by one of my grandma’s cats.

4)I love to torment my dog, especially when he is sleeping. Playing with his ears, tickling the fur between his toes, just generally annoying him. Also his feet smell like corn chips. Dogs are weird.

5)I am a terrible Navy wife.  I don’t LOVE the military and I don’t think that everything they do is right. I don’t own any Navy clothing and I don’t have a “Navy Wife: toughest job in the military” bumper sticker.  I am happy that we have this job and that we have had the opportunity to travel and live around the world but I am not in the military, it’s just my husbands’ job.

6)I have gotten many friends addicted to my Amaretto Slushies. So good. Amaretto, O.J., lemonade, mix up, freeze. Perfect summer grown up drink.

7) Feeding people is one of my favorite things to do. I LOVE hosting parties and holidays and will find any excuse to have a potluck at work.

8)I have an insane amount of clean folded laundry piled up in my room. I can wash, dry, and fold but when it comes to putting it away I am the worst!  My very tolerant husband has learned to look through the piles if he needs some PT gear!

9)I LOVE to assemble things, especially furniture. If there is something that needs to get put together it is a given that I will be the one to do it.  After DOZENS of Ikea items I am somewhat of a professional when it comes to assembling pre-fab Swedish furniture. Bring it BILLY bookcase or MALM dresser.

10)This blog. I have been reading blogs for YEARS. I love them. I’ve been wanting to start one but I am a terrible, awful writer.  Creative writing is not my strong suit and am not someone who loves to write and has ambitions of writing a book one day. I really just saw how fast my life was flying by and thought that this would be a fun way for me to write down my daily life as a journal to look back on. We’ll see. I was always terrible with keeping  a diary.